Culture-Independent Analysis of Aerosol Microbiology in a Metropolitan Subway System

Nice study by Norm Pace’s group looking at microbes present in the air in New York City subway systems.   They didn’t find any organisms of public health concern, and showed that the ventilation and mixing of outside air appear to work well.   This work does provide an important baseline of data for evaluating the effects …

Sloan-funded research: environmental scientists as communicators

Lee Ann Kahlor and her team at the University of Texas Interviewed nearly fourscore U.S. researchers in academia, government, defense and private industry to try to understand researchers’ perceptions of the challenges and opportunities for science communication to a wider audience (lay and decision makers). Here is what Dr. Kahlor said about the work: “Two …

First Sampling for Project MERCCURI

Last week Jenna Lang, Russell Neches, and myself headed over to the Sacramento King’s basketball arena to collect samples before the game as part of project MERCCURI (a.k.a Microbes in Spaaaaace!). Our goals were: 1)To get culture samples, of which one representative will fly to the International Space Station (ISS) for the “microbial playoffs”. 2)To …