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Upcoming reddit “Ask Me Anything” #AMA on the Microbiology of the Built Environment

This Friday, March 16th at 1:00pm (EDT), the folks over at the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) will be participating in a reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) on the Microbiology of the Built Environment.  The featured experts are Diane Gold, Vivian Loftness, and Jordan Peccia.  All three were committee members on the NAS group that authored the 2017 “Microbiomes of the Built Environment” report.   Here’s a NAS flyer for the event… the link on reddit isn’t live yet but will be featured in their science section.

Sounds like a great opportunity to get questions answered and see what kinds of questions people have!

David Coil

David Coil is a Project Scientist in the lab of Jonathan Eisen at UC Davis. David works at the intersection between research, education, and outreach in the areas of the microbiology of the built environment, microbial ecology, and bacterial genomics. Twitter

4 thoughts on “Upcoming reddit “Ask Me Anything” #AMA on the Microbiology of the Built Environment

  1. Hello, I’m new to using Reddit. When I followed the link to I found myself on a general page. Could you tell me how I can participate in the Ask Me Anything event? Thanks

    1. Hey Craig. So the actual link won’t be live until Friday morning so I couldn’t post it. I will try to put it here in the comments once it appears. You should be able to find it on that general page on Friday as well. I believe you need an account on reddit to actually ask questions during the AMA, but anyone can read the discussion as it unfolds.

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