Updated storify of  session on The Great Indoors: Recent Advances in Ecology of Built Environments 
Haha! MT : Bacteria "invented everything; they probably invented animals and plants as a place to hang out." Rosenberg 
Up since 3 am PST, finally back home, sitting in lab grant writing and setting up cultures.   
   Yes it is. Gordon was PI. But one result among very big paper. 
: Ross says the bottled water she has surveyed has 100x as many microbes as tap water ” OH DEAR GOD.
Conf marathon day 12. At Logan airport ready to head back to the UK & work.  and  were great but
Ppl STILL buy marketing-water? RT : Ross says the bottled water she surveyed has 100x as many microbes as tap water
Had a brilliant time in California for  and microbiology conferences, both superb! Time to return to rainy Manchester, UK :(
Need to actually get my blog up and running with first entry summarizing my time at  have a tumblr but is there a better choice?
UNT/AMS collaboration identifies previously unknown bacterial group related to  removing  
Lots of comments on NPR's show on the human microbiome "Your Inner Ecosystem"   cc 
RT : Ross says the bottled water she has surveyed has 100x as many microbes as tap water 
Thanks everyone who stopped by our booth at  we enjoyed meeting you and learning about your research! See you next year!
 If true,  shd step up efforts to rectify the situation of disparities in minority representation in Micro 2/2
Yo tweeple who attended  Q: Is it me / was participation of African American women (grad student/postdoc) really low this time? 1/2
We had a great time at  hope you did too! If you missed any IdahoTech posters you can find them all here:
and we're still alive “ “ Ross says the bottled water she has surveyed has 100x as many microbes as tap water””
Ewww! RT : Ross says the bottled water she has surveyed has 100x as many microbes as tap water 
 Hope  is fun. Things are good, I manage and created our work twitter account so have become active.
More winners from : David Gambarzada, Chih-Ying Chen, Stacy Townsend-Great meeting U all. Congrats! Njoy & w 
 Great meeting you at ! Congrats on winning our gift card. We hope you Njoy it &  with :)
Great to hear so much about , almost like being there, maybe next year
But enough about the weather. Here’s what Daily Scan took from final day of , genomics in public health
can't be the only one bummed to have left the lovely, mild San Francisco weather only to return to a  in the Northeast
When it comes to the microbiome, we need to stop being microbial racists. It's time to include fungi in your analyses. -aks 
Norrine Thompson, Angelica Ruiz-Font: Great meeting U ! Congrats on winning our gift card. Njoy it &  w/ :)
RT : Ross says the bottled water she has surveyed has 100x as many microbes as tap water 
LA Times: Dust in homes with dogs may lower risk of infection linked to asthma  
 was very enjoyable. I had a chance to give a talk, made (I hope) some new friends, and shared laughs w/  & his posse.
This is a good idea for . a tweeps list would be great also! RT   I wish there was a participants list.
 Did you see David Hughes' "zombie ants" talk at? Phylo analysis => # times given ant behavior ctrl by fungi arose.
Another yuck inspiring tweet string from : Salads have 100M bacteria/g, mostly from manure  ht
I love being able to attend  virtually: "Bacteria invented animals as a place to hang out"  HT@erika_check
Take note! RT : NGS for outbreaks & public health symposium is srsly standing room only 
  thanks for the shout-off. It was a good meeting and Twitter is great for communicating interesting & notable
Just getting ready to board the Virgin America red-eye flight 2 Ft Lauderdale & I feel like one of those Zombie ants we saw today.
Following ? Get day by day highlights from our Live at ASM blog:  
Cal netejar l'amanida? RT : Levy: in salad, 100M bacteria per gram, mostly from manure. 
Last night in San Francisco with . 3 successful posters at  representing!
RT  Thanks ASM for making official space . Enjoyed and learned something. Safe journey back home to all the participa...
VIRUSES! These are the photos that a peer reviewer rejected because he was sure they were photoshopped  :
Thanks ASM for making official space . Enjoyed and learned something. Safe journey back home to all the participants! Join 
9,858 total, 6,682,scientists RT  Anyone have final number or estimate for  attendance?
cool to see  trending- way to go, microbiolotwitts!
so  ended tonight and I'm totally stoked to get back in the lab!!! 
 Very nice poster. How did you uploaded high resolution image? Are there any other posters you know of?
Only 15%  session 232 like the way ASM picks sessions/topics for the GM.
91%  session 232 attendees want to see ASM continue to experiment with social media
88% attendees at  symposium 232 think ASM should use social media to develop sessions
I noticed a large amount of microbiome research at compared with last year.
Thx,  for great tweets from . Love hearing about new bugs, discoveries. Wish I could learn to live tweet (and many other)
Had a lot of fun at my first ASM mtg  but i'm ready for it to be over and get home. So much to do in lab!
 Thanks for covering so much of the conference! Had fun following the talks I didn't get to via your tweets. 
 as I sit here in the lobby of Hotel Monaco with a glass of wine after a hard day tweeting, you inspire me! Good on ya.
Baker: know position of ClpXP on substrate sequence. AA composition and folding E vs transloc'n rate. Sequence dependence unclear. 
Baker: find long dwell times=unfolding substrate; rapid elong=translocation on unfolded polypeptide. Can meas. translocation rate 
: Hair worms in crickets. I can't unsee those videos, thanks David Hughes! 
Baker: have system to measure single molecule activity.Optically trap beads tethered to protease and substrate. Meas. displacement
Tania Baker: ClpXP is multisubunit chambered bacterial protease. post-translational control of signaling proteins; quality control
Belfort: inteins=self-splicing enz; free cysteine req. for hydrolysis. If cys at -3 position->ox disufide->inactive. Reduce->active 
Belfort: protein @ TI intron: cysteines coord. zinc->active intron. Oxidizing conditions-> disulfides -> No Zn ->inactive. Elegant.
: A Yersinia pestis upon the houses of poster tube thieves!” - uh-oh! Commiserations.
Marlene Belfort: fascinating talk on stress-responsive intron and intein regulators of bacteria. Type I and II both responsive.
BARTing it to the airport.  was great but exhausting! Good to meet so many tweeps.
A Yersinia pestis upon the houses of poster tube thieves! 
Martin: microbes are the 99.9999%. They occupy us! Why not the Freshman biology curriculum?  
Burkhardt: deletion of ~50 genes upreg in cold. Speculative mechanism: coli degrades mRNAs soaking up (inactive) ribosomes
David Burkhardt: characterize bacteria cold shock response w/ ribosome footprinting. Sees limited # genes up at 10C 
: Had an absolutely fab conference at  Now to source the funding so I can get to the next one...” --Amen!
How true. RT : Levy discussing  as societal & ecological drugs--you take them, they affect everyone 
 T Baker: Diff substrates vary in need for ATP saturation of Clp active sites.
Had an absolutely fab conference at  Now to source the funding so I can get to the next one...
Enjoying dinner after a great . Thanks everyone for stopping by the booth! See you at 
 yeah well that's all from me from ASM folks. It has been a great meeting .... but I am still off salad for the foreseeable future.
ESCRT proteins found in Archaea involved in viral egress; similar function also seen in Eukarya 
Dead cells (bacteria) inside apoptotic dead cells (Macs) inside cells. 
Seriously! RT  Tomography showing viral pyramids pushing up through the membrane of Infected cell
Pyramids form from ESCRT proteins, previously only known in eukaryotes. Help virus export elsewhere (e.g., Ebola) 
RT : These electron microscope shots are awesome. One reviewer accused them of photoshopping it. Straight lines.
 Tomography showing viral pyramids pushing up through the membrane of Infected cell 
 T Baker:seq specific variation in translocation rate of the unfolded substrate
These electron microscope shots are awesome. One reviewer accused them of photoshopping it. Straight lines. 
Does macrophage eating other apoptotic macs protect host in tuberculosis? Blocking it increases CFU 
This Yosemite virus forms 7-sided pyramids on cell surfaces, which burst and let virus out. Only such pyramids known in viruses.
RT  I would argue that Cyanobacteria have had the greatest impact on human health. 
 schadt's surveillance revealed huge amounts of poultry and porcine viruses on home refrigerator doors. Wash those hands folks!
 T Baker: Dual bead force clamp single molecule degradation assay
And so  is done, been a great meeting, had a fab time in
"How do you assemble a virus with a membrane on the inside?" (of the capsid) 
 T Baker: Multiple opportunities for regulation of clpXP deg through complexes
 admittedly 1 gave her bacterium a bikini but they do now know are smaller living things than ants!  2/2
Significant homology to eukaryotic RNA viruses in binding regions, none outside. 
RT : No known RNA viruses in Archaea. Until researchers started poking around hot springs in Yellowstone.
 yup.some 7-11yo made cuddly bacteria with me last wk.. 1/2
Enjoyed the your topics, your voice, your choice session at a nice mix of talks and def something that should happen at future mtgs
No known RNA viruses in Archaea. Until researchers started poking around hot springs in Yellowstone. 
Sam Behar discusses macs dying via necrosis and apoptosis in tuberculosis  
Like all good things,  event in San Francisco comes to a close! Great meeting, great presentations, info overload! /
 Tania Baker: ClpXP paradigm for energy dependent protein degradation.
Get’em while they’re young RT : Next up: on microbiology early in the undergrad curriculum 
 Lei Qi designed a CRISPR-based RNA processing system. Cool.
In search of archael viruses in Yellowstone 
 trumps news of  stroke in trending Twitter topics.
"Brute-force" pathogens vs "stealth" pathogens - gd descriptive terms 
Repeatability is uncanny. All lineages became virus-resistant via mutations in same gene: p=10^-22, incredibly unlikely by chance.
Viruses in S ocean survive by being temperate so they can hide out when bacteria are low and by having cold adapted genes
 so next up Eric Schadt and disease weather map. This has me intrigued.
Had so much fun   event in! Great meeting everyone & looking forward to the next event!