Another RDP for microbiologists to check out ..

Just came across this paper on bioRXiv. A Measure of Open Data: A Metric and Analysis of Reusable Data Practices in Biomedical Data Resources by Seth Carbon, Robin Champieux, Julie McMurry, Lilly Winfree, Letisha R Wyatt, and Melissa Haendel Abstract Data is the foundation of science, and there is an increasing focus on how data can be reused …

Paper of interest comparing taxonomies of SILVA, RDP, Greengenes, NCBI and OTT 

Just a quick post here.  There is a paper of interest I thought I would call attention to: Source: SILVA, RDP, Greengenes, NCBI and OTT — how do these taxonomies compare? | BMC Genomics  by Monika Balvočiūtė and Daniel H. Huson Abstract: Background A key step in microbiome sequencing analysis is read assignment to taxonomic units. …