Sloan grant renewed for BIMERC

We got the great news that the Sloan Foundation has funded the proposal to continue the Berkeley Indoor Microbial Ecology Research Consortium. BIMERC is a collaboration of UC Berkeley scientists with a goal “to understand the microbial ecology of the build environment through interdisciplinary research that combines microbial biology, particle transport physics, chemistry, and architecture.” …

Transfer and resuspension — its not all bologna

There was a recent flash in the news about the ‘5-second rule’ when a group of microbiologists at Aston University in the UK released results from a study (that, from what I can tell, is unpublished). The summary reads, “The study…monitored the transfer of the common bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus from …

Bacteria in a university housing complex

You could say that I’m milking this one study design – one in which we surveyed the airborne microbial communities and surfaces around different units of a university housing complex – and you’d be right. But for good reason: it’s a powerful study design. We have replication of residential units of a common design across …

Postdoc opening at Virginia Tech: Survival of airborne microbes

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Virginia Tech invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher to study the influence of aerosol chemistry on the infectivity of airborne influenza viruses. The successful candidate must hold a doctoral degree and demonstrate appropriate background in environmental engineering, atmospheric chemistry, biology, biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, or mechanical engineering. …

The Real Superheroes of Microbiology from Microbiology Today

I just completely love this:  MICROBIOLOGY TODAY: REAL SUPERHEROES.  From the news for the Society for General Microbiology: Society news | Society for General Microbiology.  The February Issue of the magazine “Microbiology Today” features some microbial superheroes with some great art and photos. The immortal, halophilic superhero: Halobacterium salinarum — a long-lived poly-extremophile The shape-shifting superhero: …

Lessons learned: The microbes all around us and our buildings — and Jessica Green’s Nautilus article

Illustration (from an explanation of the beginning of the spread of SARS in Hong Kong’s Amoy Gardens apartment complex where the index case was in a building 60 meters away from a building where about 45% of the 300 infected individuals at Amoy Gardens lived. Many of the other infected individuals also lived in …

Hidden Beauty

While searching for news about microbes in the built environment I stumbled across these fascinating photographs (electron micrographs) of symbiotic termite gut microbes. Taken with a scanning electron microscope by Kevin J. Carpenter a biologist/microscopist/photographer (and fellow Davis alum!), they just finished an exhibit at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum in January, after being displayed in …

Hydrocarbon Metabolizing Bacteria and Bioremediation

The 2012, Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion more commonly known as the BP oil spill produced drastic changes in microbial communities, some of which contributed to bioremediation of the areas affected by the spill. According to a recent article (2013) in Environmental Science and Technology, succession of several microbial communities, particularly hydrocarbon-metabolizing bacteria of the …