home Miscellaneous Here’s hoping someone has sampled or will sample #microbes in abandoned places like this

Here’s hoping someone has sampled or will sample #microbes in abandoned places like this

Completely fascinated by these pictures of abandoned farm houses:

Photographer Niki Feijen's eerie images of the abandoned farm houses | Mail Online.

. And that got me wondering – what happens to the microbial ecology of a building once it is abandoned. I am not familiar with any studies of this and a few quick searches did not turn anything up. But maybe I missed something. Anyone out there know of any such work? If not – it could make an interesting project …

13 thoughts on “Here’s hoping someone has sampled or will sample #microbes in abandoned places like this

  1. Interesting post. I was just talking about this possibility with a lawyer who works on vacant properties. She sent me a link to a research group that focuses on vacant properties: http://vacantpropertyresearch.com/. It looks like they mostly focus on social science aspects though.

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